GRAWE Hrvatska Inc.
Our insurance company is the first international insurance company in Croatia. We were founded in 1993 under the name Prima osiguranje Inc., and since 2000 we have been operating under the name GRAWE Hrvatska Inc. We are present in 68 offices throughout Croatia and employ approximately 650 employees.
We are the most successful daughter company of the Austrian concern GRAWE Insurance Group, which has been engaged in the insurance business since 1828.
For 28 years in Croatia
GRAWE Hrvatska Inc. in numbers
General information about the company
Headquarters: Ulica grada Vukovara 5, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone: +385 01 30 34 000
Fax: +385 01 30 34 500
Commercial Court of Zagreb, Registration number (MB): 0409880, MBS: 080042838, PIN: 28406115764
IBAN at Addiko Bank Inc., Zagreb
Life insurance: HR93 2500 0091 3011 3262 1
Health Insurance: HR96 2500 0091 3011 3266 4
Other insurance: HR83 2500 0091 1010 0734 8
Share capital: HRK 90,000,000.00 paid in full
90,000 shares with a nominal value of HRK 1,000.00
The following are the annual reports of the insurance company GRAWE Hrvatska Inc.