Since 1.7.2017
Vice Chairman of the Board of Management, Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG
Since 2013
Member of the Supervisory Board, RAIFFEISEN Landesbank Steiermark, Graz;
Member of the Supervisory Board, VBV-Pensionkassse AG, Vienna
Since 2016
Head of the GRAWE Group IT department
2010 - 2017
Chairman of the Board, HYPO-Versicherung AG, Graz
2010 - 2015
Head of Department Technical Life, Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG
2004 - 2009
Member of the Board of Management, GRAWE Hrvatska d.d., Zagreb
2001 - 2003
Head of Department Life Insurance Contract, issuing of powers of attorney, Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG
1999 - 2001
Assistant to the Board of Management, Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG
1998 - 1999
Siemens Matsushita Components, Munich
1994 - 1998
University assistant at the Institute of Business Economics and Industrial Sociology, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)
2016 - 2017
Insurance Management, University of St. Gallen
1995 - 1997
Doctoral studies, dissertation on strategic service marketing
1987 - 1993
Degree course in industrial engineering, Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)